What types of inspections are conducted on Maalexi.com

Sales and Support

Last Update a year ago

We provide two types of inspections: Pre-Shipment and Post-Shipment, which are determined based on the product and buyer's preference. The inspection location varies depending on the nature of the goods.

For short-life perishable products with a shelf-life of less than 6 months, inspections are typically conducted at the delivery location. This ensures that the products are in optimal condition upon arrival.

For long-life perishable products with a shelf-life of more than 6 months, inspections are usually performed before or at the time of shipment. This ensures that the goods meet the required quality standards before being transferred to the shipping company.

Pre-shipment inspections take place either at the seller's warehouse or at the port, ensuring that the goods undergo thorough examination and meet the necessary criteria before being handed over to the shipping company.

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